Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Genre Research Continued

By researching on the internet and looking through magazines I have found that there are very few singer songwriter based magazines available in the market. This means that not only is it difficult to base a magazine on something that is extremely rare, but it also limits the amount of successful research I will conduct.
Billboard (US)
Therefore by extending my research I have found magazines such as 'Q', 'Billboard' 'Mojo' and 'Clash' which are all classed as mainstream magazines however cover all types of genres to ensure that they are publicised. This means I can link the mainstream theme to my singer songwriter preferred genre easier to ensure my magazine is more effective.

With this mainstream theme I can do a singer songwriter themed issue, which will be a more effective way of doing a magazine, meaning I could perhaps use more than one artist inside the magazine to make it more interesting and aesthetically pleasing. This makes it very diverse in the way I could present my ideas, keeping it more lenient, as well as allowing me to express myself fully, rather than having a barrier.

New Frankie

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