Wednesday 29 January 2014

Flat Plan - Double Paged Spread

To create my practice flat plan double paged spread I used a software on the school computers called Page Plus X6 as it enabled me to accurately create columns which are important for a double paged spread. This isn't the design I am looking at using for my real draft, however I feel that by using this a practice it enabled me to become familiar with the software, and so therefore in future when I come on to making my draft, I will have experience using it, meaning my design and layout will look better.

I found this software difficult to use at first, however with teacher guidance, and playing about with the tools primarily before creating this piece, I was able to create a flat plan for a double paged spread.

Improvements I can pick out:

  • I have used the colour blue far too much in this double paged spread, it makes it extremely difficult to read, and therefore doesn't look aesthetically pleasing 
  • I haven't used borders, and my pictures blood out to the edges which makes them look lost on the page and creates a lot of plain open space which I need to ensure I get rid of
  • I need to add borders around my photos to make them look more professional
  • I need to ensure I have page numbers at the bottom of each page
  • To fill in blank space I need to ensure that I use solid blocks with text in which refers to parts of the article to make it look more professional
  • I need to use a pull quote from text to engage the audience as soon as they turn to the page, to give them an insight of what the article is about
  • I also need to ensure that I use captions to state what each photo is/who is in it 

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